Krig i Europa


Desperate Tongues

The song of sadness comes over me

The world disappears for one second

One weak hand reaching for it's life

One desperate mouth screaming

for everything that hasn't been done

It screams for the hope of life he will enjoy

Something strikes me

A thing that hasn't been there before

When everything inside me was calm

When everything inside me was calm

Reaching for life with desperate tongues

The world disappears for one second

Surrounded by darkness - you can't see anything

It's like the darkness

in every one has come into our way

And no one knows the soul besides them

Just hopeless eyes and faces

Filled with anger and fear

Reaching for life with desperate tongues

Reaching for life with desperate tongues

Is there a God - someone who knows it all?

When a leave looses the grip from the tree it belongs to

Or when a comb of sand is changing it's place

Yes, I think - there is a God who knows it all

People have to find Him inside their heart

Still searching..

but He knows every leave - every comb of sand

Reaching for life with desperate tongues

Reaching for life with desperate tongues

Tekst: Kristine Sundberg (2005)

Illustrasjon: Rolf Jansson

Meiodi: Øyvind Sundberg (2005)

Spilt inn i mars 2022

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